1918 Broadwater Ave, Billings, MT 59102

Auto Injury Center

$47 New Patient Special Offer*

*Auto accident victims pay $0

Auto Injury Center

Have you been involved in a car or automobile accident?

At Billings Chiropratic Injury Clinic we specialize in the treatment of car crash victims and can help you get your life back on track.

Can you relate to any of these statements?

If the answer is yes, YOU may need an auto injury specialist who understands you and your unique needs.

The most common symptoms people have reported after being in a car crash (in order from the most common to the least):

Which Symptoms are you experiencing?

Does it feel like no one is listening to you?

"I went to the Emergency room, I spent 4 hours only to be told there was nothing wrong with me and I was sent home"
(Auto Injury Victim)
"The police officer said he didn't think I was hurt very badly because the crash was at too low of a speed."
(Auto Injury Victim)
"No-one believes me, I was rear-ended in the Walmart parking lot, and I've been hurting ever since. They say I'm making it all up."
(Auto Injury Victim)
"I've received thousands of dollars in treatment and testing, I can't continue, because there is no way I'll be able to afford all this if my attorney doesn't win my case!"
(Auto Injury Victim)
"I've told my doctor that I have been having short term memory problems, I can't find the words I want while I'm speaking, and my head feels like its going to explode! He said it will probably go away, and prescribed me some pain relievers for my pain. I just don't think he cares!"
(Auto Injury Victim)
"I'm in so much pain, I can't sleep, I can't work, I can't take care of my children, and the drugs they gave me turn me into a zombie!"
(Auto Injury Victim)

I'm here to tell you: I UNDERSTAND YOU, AND I HEAR YOU!

Meet Dr. Mitchell, DC, CICE

My name is Dr. Jeff Mitchell, Speaker, Coach, Researcher, and treating physician for victims of car crashes. I also am an expert witness and a Independent Chiropractic Examiner and impairment rating certified.

Having been in practice since 2001; I’ve seen just about everything. I have the experience, training, and education, to help anyone who walks in my door. Many of my patients have been in a recent car crash and are seeking help.
Dr Jeff Mitchell

I've treated hundreds -- if not thousands -- of patients just like you...



My Methods...

We’re… a little different.

We are willing to do whatever it takes to get you the result you are looking for.

Auto Accident Chiropractor

We understand how sometimes the stress of PAYING for your treatment is worse than the pain from the accident.

Free Download

The 12½ Things You Absolutely, Positively MUST Know if You’ve Been Injured in a Car Accident.

We’ve put together a free e-book to give you the best advice on what to do if you’ve been in an auto-injury accident.
